Thursday, September 9, 2010

September 9

Today we read Appalachia: Voices of Sleeping Birds by Cynthia Rylant (illustrated by Barry Moser). The title is taken from James Agee's poem, "Knoxville, Summer 1915". This is one of the best picture books about Appalachia we have read so far. Cynthia Rylant was already a favorite of ours because we also like "When I Was Young in the Mountains." But, Barry Moser's illustrations in this one are icing on the cake.

Jessie said she learned that the Appalachian mountains actually stretch far north along the coast of the United States. She also liked the part about the "Good Dogs".

TJ liked the part about the "seasons" - men have their season, which is winter (for hunting), women have their season which is summer (for canning) and children like all seasons. I can't remember what David said but it was probably something crazy.

We are using this book to look up some more resources:

1. Cynthia Rylant's autobiography and other Appalachian stories.
2. Barry Moser's Appalachian re-telling of classic fairy tales
3. Ben Shahn's photographs, and others
4. James Agee's book, A Death in the Family, where the poem "Knoxville: Summer 1915" comes from - a book for Mom to read but probably not the kids!!

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