
David is 6 years old.

His favorite things to eat are: macaroni and cheese and chocolate.

If he could go anywhere in the world, he would want to go to: The Great Wolf Lodge, and Dinosaur World.

His favorite dinosaur is: A Tyrannosaurus Rex and a Pterodactyl, and a Brontosaurus.

His favorite kind of music is: Bluegrass music.

In school, he likes art best of all.

When he grows up, he is still deciding between being a Pastor, a Chef, or a Builder.

What things make him laugh? Dad, TJ, Jessie and Josh Reynolds.

His best friends are Zach and all the Ross kids, the Reynolds and Isaiah.

His favorite animals are: Lions, monkeys, penguins.

David's Mom says:
David is the sweetest boy I know. Even though he is six, he still likes to give hugs and kisses and fill up Mommy and Daddy's "love bucket."

He is very compassionate and family-oriented. He loves people and playing with friends. He is very smart in school, he is very good at math and reading. He learned to read very fast, but still likes to have people read to him rather than read alone.

He asks a lot of questions about everything in life. He asks a lot about heaven and also scientific questions about things like electricity and cars. Dinosaurs are one of his passions. He also likes playing with stuffed animals. Ever since he was very small, he loved toys with faces and having conversations with them.

His sense of humor is very good. He loves to laugh and thinks a lot of things are funny. He likes to make funny faces, and say goofy things.

Since he was very little, he began to sing little songs in his car seat. Now, he is learning to sing harmony with the family, and is proving to have inherited the same musical talent that his brother and sister have.

David loves to help with any project and is usually right in the middle of whatever is happening, although he is reluctant to do anything alone (even sleep). He also enjoys cooking, eating, watching his favorite cartoons, and avoiding any responsibility whatsoever.